Ár gComhluadar – Diverse Mayo-based Community Improvement Organisation

Léiríonn Ár gComhluadar (eagraíocht dheonach) smaointe an Phobail i nDún Chaocháin (Muigheo), ar raon saincheisteanna tráthúla. Tá a suim i mBéasa Sóisialta, sa Timcheallacht ​​agus san Eacnamaíocht taobh thiar den Eiceathuras agus den Lorg Carbóin , ar gaeltacht.info ⁊ gaelta.ie   Léiríonn Institúid Saol an Duine ar all-lives.institute, roinnt cásanna de dhaoine gan chosaint, a bhfuil an tSíceolaíocht chéanna i bhfeidhm i ndíluacháil saol an duine.  Leagtar amach sa Chód d’Oibrithe Deonacha Ár gComhluadar, sonraí an Bhunreachta, m.sh. na h-aidhmeanna sóisialta agus eacnamaíocha agus stádas deonach na nOibrithe. Iarraíonn Pobal Dún Chaocháin, ar an mBord nó ar slí eile, aidhmeanna Ár gComhluadar a bhaint amach, ar mhaithe leis an bPobal.

Ár gComhluadar (a volunteer organsation) provides a voice for the Community in Dún Chaocháin, Muigheo, on a range of topical issues.  Local interest in social, environmental and economic topics lie behind the Ecotour and Carbon Outlook, at gaeltacht.info & gaelta.ie  The All Lives Institute, at all-lives.institute, examines the psychology of devaluing, for different reasons, the human life of various vulnerable cohorts/individuals.  The Ár gComhluadar Code for Volunteers sets out the details of the Constitution, eg, the social and economic aims and the standing of Volunteers.  The Community of Dun Chaocháin, on the Board or otherwise, joins in pursuing the efforts of Ár gComhluadar, benefitting the Community.

Fo-eagras/Subsidiary 1 – Na Comhluadar Bheo (the Living Communities): the purpose is to have a Strategic Partner to run the Ecotour for the social and economic benefit of the Gaelic community of Dún Chaocháin and the wider County of Mayo.  Multilingual videos and research papers, on the background of Gaelic people, show, eg, historic links with France and Germany which underpin our niche markets in these countries.

Fo-eagras/Subsidiary 2 – Institiúid Saol an Duine (the All Lives Institute) deals with Evolutionary Psychology and laws of the Natural Order.  Individuals (mostly groups), who suffer because they have few allies, are examined.  The intention is that, learning common reasons for this, could help Society generally.  The connection between Ceathrú Thaidhg (Mayo) and the Nigerian Ogoni tribes fostered this work.

Fo-eagras/Subsidiary 3 – An Lorg Carbóin (Carbon Oulook), being linked to the Ecotour, ties down realities of Climate Change. These, eg, entail recording and analysing:

1) Who produces fossils fuels, what are their reserves.

2) What are the production levels and plans to alter these (if any).

3) Who are the clients of the producers and what are the contractual conditions of sale.

4) Who burns particular amounts of the fuels and for what purposes.

5) What are State emissions targets.  On what analyses are these based.  How are targets met.

6) What admonishment is given by the UN and other bodies.

7) Given the increasing destruction, now unavoidable, what deductions do we make (eg loss of agricultural land, reduction in crop and fish foods, mass loss/displacement of population).

8) Addenda, eg, increasing Heat Deaths, green energy like Wave Power, rising Sea Levels, Biodiversity loss.

The Board

An Dr Liam SS Réamonn (Cathaoirleach)

Natalja O’Connor (Website Content)

Jose Carlos de la Fuente Cortez (Website Content)

Séamas Ó Murchú – Fo-eagras 1 (Comhluadar, Ceannaire an Stair-Choiste) Na Comhluadair Bheo (Eiceathuras)

Bríd Ní Sheighin – Fo-eagras 2 (Comhluadar) – Institiúid Saol an Duine (Síceolaíocht)

Máire Cáit Uí Mhurchú – Fo-eagras 3 (Comhluadar) – An Lorg Carbóin (Timcheallacht)

Barry Connelly (Lawyer)

Khalida Akhmetova (Secretary)

Sascha Sauerteig (German Text)

Members charged with Line Activities

Subsidiary 1 – Natalja O’Connor, Niamh Leahy – (Video Editing, Website Content), Cormac von Braun – (Creativity), Aisling Ní Chongaile – (Harpist)

Subsidiary 2 – Jose Carlos de la Fuente Cortez – (Website Content), Daniel Mabele (Albinos), Proinsias de h-Óra (Kachin), Live Action (Unborn), Sinéad Ní Ghréacháin (Child Exploitation), Cúlcainí Mgúnaí (Diminutive), Buíochas le Dia (Aistriucháin ón Íogbóis) (na Ogoni), each person recognises the position of a vulnerable group. Brent Ó Coiligh (of the Cherokee nation) (Canadian indigenous Women and Girls)

Subsidiary 3 – Natalja O’Connor, (Video Editing, Website Content), Caitlin Liebowitz – (Research and Presentation), Liam Réamonn (Fossil Fuel Research)

Organisations which helped us:

The Wheel, 48 Fleet Street, Dublin 2 (01-4548727)

Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, 35 Barrow St, Dublin 4 (01 631 6200)

The Inventorium, The Digital Hub, Crane St, D8 (01-4806252)

Dublin City North Volunteer Centre, Coleraine St D7 (01 8722622)

Boardmatch Ireland, 35 Exchequer Street, D2 (01-6715005)

Dublin City South Volunteer Centre Ltd, 76 Thomas St D8 (01 473 7482)

Activelink, Rere, 6 Upper Grand Canal St, D4 (016677377)