About Us
Na Comhluadair Bheo Teo., informally called ‘The Living Communities’ in English, is an Irish cultural group, run by volunteers and located in Dublin, as a limited company. The Company is assisted, again on a voluntary basis, by linguists, historians, computer and software experts, economists, scientists and others. All of those involved espouse the objectives of advancing environmental protection and promoting important, historical cultural ties between Irish, French and German people.
The future both of humanity and of the environment are bound up together. It is people for the most part, however, who will decide this future. By our achieving a sustainable economy, the matter of environmental protection can best be handled. To combine the perspectives on the environment of people, of different cultures and groups, could benefit how communities everywhere develop. To encourage both social justice and environmental protection, we favour the introduction of a new, Free Market of Ideas. In this regard, our Ecomessage sets out principles on balanced global environmental management.
On this website, www.gaeltacht.info, we promote ecotourism, in the Mayo area, in the niche markets of France and Germany. A responsible appreciation of Nature can permit a modern reconstruction of past cultural links between Ireland, France and Germany – although indeed people of any culture would surely enjoy a break in Mayo.
The high point of the tour, amongst many cultural delights, is the participation in traditional, eco-friendly farming and domestic practices, in a remote, Irish-speaking community. The importance of social inclusion cannot be overemphasized here. In addition to facilitating exciting, cultural experiences on the Ecotour, it is also our aim to bring young and old together, in order for them to be able to share their ideas on the environment. We hope, in this way, that everyone who comes to Mayo will better appreciate the time ahead, importantly the coming challenges of Climate Change.
‘The Living Communities’ is proud of the contributions of its many volunteers, whose vision and commitment to a fairer, more robust and meaningful society, are acknowledged. Their work and dedication to advance a high purpose is not commonplace.
The Board of The Living Communities, as do the others who assist us, adhere to the stipulations of the Volunteer Code and of other relevant Company documents, given on this website.
Ce Projet vise à démontrer que le partage des idées culturelles préface un management environnemental réel et efficace. Les volontaires donnent de leur temps et de leur expertise, avec ce but à l’esprit/cet objectif en tête.
Unser Projekt versucht zu zeigen, dass eine gemeinsame kulturelle Identität als Grundlage für ein effektives Umweltmanagement dienen kann. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Zieles bringen Freiwillige Zeit und Expertise in das Projekt ein.
هدف از این پروژه اين است كه نشان دهد وجوه و ايده هاى مشترك فرهنگى ميتواند مقدمه ايى بر مديريت مؤثر زيست محيطى باشد. داوطلبان بدين منظور اندكى از وقت و تخصص خود را سخاوتمندانه در اختيار اين نهاد فرهنگى قرار ميدهند.
हमारा दल इस दुनिया को ये प्रकटित करना चाहता है की आपस मे मिलिझुली संस्कृति से आर्थिक एवं भौतिक परिस्थितियों को संभालने के लिए एक विशेष आधार मिलता है। और हमारे कामयाब स्वेछाकार्मी इसी मूल सिद्धांत का मान्यता निरूपण करने के लिए अपने अनमोल वक्त और निपुणता भेंट करते है।